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The decision of pursue training in psychoanalysis is an important and significant career choice. The admissions process provides an opportunity for the potential candidate to assess the opportunities that our Institute provides for each individual’s continued professional growth. Application forms can be downloaded from the link on this web site. Once completed the forms should be mailed to:

Admissions Committee
The Berkshire Psychoanalytic Institute
P.O. Box 877
Stockbridge, MA 01262

Candidacy:  A non-refundable application fee of $125 is charged to all applicants in order to cover in part the application procedures. The Chair of the Admissions committee will then arrange for the applicant to meet with several different faculty members for interview. The applicant may meet with each faculty member several times, thus giving ample opportunity for the applicant to learn about the institute and training process and for the interviewer to get to know the applicant and for both to assess whether psychoanalytic training is the appropriate next step in the applicant’s career. The interviews are then reviewed in highly confidential discussions by the Admissions Committee and the applicant notified of the decision by the Chair.

Admission Application

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Program PPP Application