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Fundamentals of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy II (Fall 2015)


These two 4-session seminars, open to mental health clinicians or those enrolled in graduate mental health training, are offered by the Berkshire Psychoanalytic Institute and will focus on integrating an understanding of psychoanalytic theory with psychodynamic psychotherapy technique.  NO PREREQUISITES FOR EITHER SEMINAR

Location:  Both courses take place in the First Floor Conference Room of The Austen Riggs Center, 25 Main Street, Stockbridge, MA

Fee:  $175 early bird for two seminars, $200 after August 7, 2015; or $125 for a single course 

Register today online:  Register Here  or by completing and mailing the form at the bottom of this page

Readings will be provided to registrants in PDF format via email.

Seminar I:  Psychoanalytic Views of Trauma

4 sessions:  Tuesdays, September 1,8,15, and 29, 2015 (7:30 PM – 8:30 PM)

Instructor:  Christine Burbank, MSW.  Christine Burbank MSW is a graduate of and on the faculty of the Berkshire Psychoanalytic Institute.  She completed her graduate education at Smith College School for Social Work where she also served as a Clinical Instructor, and for 10 years she supervised and taught psychology and social work interns in a community mental health setting.  Ms. Burbank is Affiliate Faculty at the Austen Riggs Center.  She is in private practice in Pittsfield.
In this course, we will read and discuss fundamental psychoanalytic theories of trauma, the effect of trauma on development, and the intergenerational transmission of trauma.  We will also consider the benefits of a psychoanalytic/psychodynamic approach in the treatment of trauma. CE/CME Credits:  Maximum of 6 units available


Educational Objectives – the participant will be able to:

  1. Describe the psychoanalytic view of trauma, both classical and contemporary.
  2. Define intergenerational transmission of trauma.
  3. Identify the ways in which trauma affects development. 4. Apply the concepts of trauma to psychoanalytic psychotherapy with patients.

Seminar II: Severe Character Pathology

4 sessions:  Tuesdays, October 6, 13, 20 & 27, 2015 (7:00 PM – 8:30 PM)

Instructor:  Lyn Yonack, MA, MSW is a psychoanalyst and psychotherapist in private practice in Great Barrington where she works with adults, adolescents, and couples and provides supervision to mental health practitioners and clinical consultation to organizations. She is on the BPI faculty and Affiliate Faculty at the Austen Riggs Center.

This course will look through a psychodynamic lens at the challenges that inevitably arise in work with patients for whom profound psychic pain expresses itself in borderline and narcissistic character organization. Using psychoanalytic literature and clinical material, we will consider theoretical formulations, symptomatic and diagnostic descriptions, implications for the patient’s life and treatment as well as developmental and traumatic anomalies that typically contribute to this cluster of disordered thinking, relationship and behavior. CE/CME Credits:  Maximum of 6 units available

Educational Objectives – the participant will be able to:

1. Define the concept and recognize the signs and symptoms of severe character pathology within a psychodynamic context. 

2. Identify early developmental and traumatic anomalies that put a person at risk for borderline or narcissistic character organization.

3. Evaluate the clinical challenges presented by patients with severe character pathology and develop strategies for containing and working with those challenges in a dynamically-oriented psychotherapy. 



Registration is complete when payment is received

Registration: Please send completed form and payment to:

BPI, P.O. Box 877, Stockbridge, MA 01262


Please make checks payable to BPI and mail with completed registration to:

Berkshire Psychoanalytic Institute, P.O. Box 877, Stockbridge, MA 01262

Name: ________________________________________________________

Job Title/Degree:________________________________________________



City:________________________ State: __________ Zip: _______________

Phone: _____________________ Email: _____________________________


Information regarding CME credit for physicians:

This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of the American Psychoanalytic Association and Berkshire Psychoanalytic Institute. The American Psychoanalytic Association is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.


Information regarding CE credit for psychologists: 

Berkshire Psychoanalytic Institute is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists.  Berkshire Psychoanalytic Institute maintains responsibility for the program and its content.  For additional information about this program, please contact Dr. Robin Renders, Program Administrator, at (413) 269-0138.

 Application for MaMHCA/MMCEP continuing education credits has been submitted. Please contact us at berskhirepsychoanalytic@gmail.com or (413) 269-0138 for the status of LMHC CE certification.

IMPORTANT DISCLOSURE INFORMATION FOR ALL LEARNERS: None of the planners and presenters of this CME program have any relevant financial relationships to disclose.

The Berkshire Psychoanalytic Institute, Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, age, sexual orientation, national origin or handicap in the admissions, administration of its educational programs or employment.